Opps - As it has been pointed out to me, this post was an update when I had been on a short visit. I am still in Iraq. Heading home late September. 
For those of you who didn't know,
Rebecca and I are expecting another child. The baby is due on the 29
th of September. The plan was to find out what the sex of the baby was, have the doctor put the results in an envelope, and once I returned home we would open it up, both finding out at the same time.
constantly was asking
Bec to open it up and tell me if it was a girl or a boy.
Bec stood fast the entire time, saying that we had agreed to wait. Well, when I arrived at the car at the airport and opened the trunk to put my bag away, this is what greeted me!!!!
We have since picked out a name for the baby boy... Brendan John Michael
Congrats you old so and so. Thanks for the updates on the blog, and the occasional email. My home account is still hosed, so you can get me at work.
Looking forward to seeing you in September.
Congratulations,my friend. And welcome back; how long will you be around?
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