Well, its time for an update!!!!
I only returned to ASP 3, to pick up my gear and wish the boys luck. I had been re-assigned back to Buckmaster. My stay at Buck was short-lived however; my company had not gotten their contract renewed. Rumor had it that I was being picked up by the new company at Buckmaster. So I took a 2 week vacation back in Colorado.
It was great getting off the plane, seeing my wife, Rebecca and baby Meghan. I didn't get to see my other daughter Shelby as she was up in Portland with Concha. She will be at the airport on my next vacation home with out a doubt. It is amazing how quick the 14 days went by.
I got to spend some great quality time at home with the wife and daughter, Meghan is growing up so quick. She entered Day Care since I had left, has lots of new friends and more teeth. I admire Rebecca for what she has done while I have been off playing in the desert. Working, bringing up our child and taking care of all the other things that have to be done. It has taken up much of her time, with little left for her own time. It is great having a person in your life, who is your best friend and lover.
She takes care of me that's for sure. I tried to get in as much GOLF as I possibly could. The weather didn't help matters, but I did get in some rounds. Thanks AD DDJ, brothers Ronnie and PJ and of course the Marine. There just is something special about playing golf and drinking with your friends.
Also got to spend some time with the gang from the Federal Center, great time at Jackson's Hole, miss you guys and hope to see you again on the next visit. Mark, you didn't have to pick up the tab, but thanks!!!!!
As I said, the time flew by in quick order and the next thing I knew I was back in Iraq. I am working for a different company, living in Baghdad. This place is no comparison to Buckmaster or ASP 3. I live right next to one of Saddam's old palaces, what a place it is. I am sure that he spent millions building it, I was told that Saddam had a wildlife refuge here before the war started, don't know what happened to all of the animals, but its beautiful.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I was asked the same question numerous times while at home, is it as bad as the news reports, nothing but killings, why are we still there, those types of questions. I explained that it is a shame that the media reports all the bad things and never the good. There are lots of good happening over here, I guess you have to actually be over here to see it.
All the construction efforts, helping rebuild hospitals, schools, communication systems, power plants, roads and bridges. Military units helping the sick and injured. We have police officers from all over the United States re-training the Iraqi police, teaching them all the requires skills to operate and conduct themselves professionally.
So don't believe all is bad, many countries are helping in the effort.
Hi to all my friends back in the US, UK, NZ and Australia. Luis keep your head down up there in the North, kinda scary knowing what an in-coming mortar sounds like. Shelby, please know that Dad loves and misses you!!!
Rebecca and Meghan, I miss the both of you, keep strong Beck and know that I will come home soon.
And to my Buds, hitting that little white ball around...DRINK A BREW FOR ME!!!!!!!!